With our Kickstarter getting funded, we’re beginning to prepare for all that will mean for us. One of the first things we need to do is to re-open to submissions so that we can find content for next year. But before we can even do that, we need to find some slush readers!
We’re stealing much of this post’s information from a similar post that Clarkesworld Magazine made recently (we got permission to do so first), but here are the highlights of the job:
- This is an unpaid position.
- Slush readers & other staff are prohibited from submitting stories or articles to Electric Velocipede.
- You will be expected to read an average of at least three stories per day and provide short comments on them.
- We will make our decision by Mid-October.
- New slush readers start with a one-month super-secret trial period.
- Poetry submissions are not read by slush readers.
In order to show your interest, fill out a slush reader application. We’ll use that to make our decision. The application will only be available through the morning of October 6, so if you’re interested in being a part of Electric Velocipede, don’t hesitate to apply.*
* We will be going through a similar process for copyeditors in the next few days, so keep an eye out for that, too!